This is the image our group produced on the back of our CD cover. We made sure to resize the image, so it would fit with the other images (see below).

This is the front of our CD cover. Our group decided to have a feminine theme with the CD cover, due to Miss Melody (a feminine band name) being an all-girl group, and having a 'tween' female target audience. In our CD cover, the image of high heels and flowers enforce the concept of femininity, making the target audience feel more compelled to buy Miss Melody's album.
Our group initially considered using this for an advertisement, but when we experimented with fonts, it didn't look very conventional, so we decided to continue editing the advertisement until we found something that felt more girly and conventional.
This screenshot shows that our group experimented with brightness and contrast to achieve a more professional look. We also added pink and white font, to continue enforcing the idea of femininity. The font also features '', to show that our group has a website, which may ensure that a certain number of viewers to check the website, to see more information on the album; 'Album out now including hit single 'Feels so good', as many album advertisements, such as McFly's 'Motion in the Ocean' and Jessie J's 'Who You Are'; and also 'SYCO ENTERTAINMENT 2014', to let the audience know the record label responsible for Miss Melody.