Today, me and my group worked on producing our digipak, for our ancillary task. We focused more on our CD cover, because Libby already has a variety of images that our group could use for the CD cover.

We decided to look back at the post for our CD Cover Ideas for our group to consider when deciding on an image (as our group had numerous ideas on what to include for our CD cover). One of the images of Amie's CD Cover idea features the three girls laying on grass, smiling at the camera. We decided to use this image as it looks like a conventional image for a CD cover, and the girls make direct eye-contact with the camera, making the viewer feel more involved with the group. For the font, we decided to use 'Fiolex Girls' from Dafont, as it is very girly and fitting for our group's fictional pop band. We decided to use white font as white suggests purity and innocence (which is what we expect of the group's target audience of tween girls), and the colour of the font would also be very clear for viewers to read.
The other image so far in our ancillary task is an image of clouds. We got this image from Libby, who took this image on a plane. It also looks as if the girls in the CD Cover are looking up at the sky, showing the viewers what the girls are looking at.
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